A figure so controversial, pro kickboxer turned How To Become Rich Like Me advisor is a fun personality to analyze when it comes to his hair. Mainly because it’s an area tied to scientific evidence that even Tate can not manipulate.
As you’ll remember he went into prison in Romania due to charges of organized crime and human trafficking. His sentence turned into house arrest in March 2023 after only spending four months in prison. His house arrest did not last long either and that’s exactly what the audiences would expect from someone whose darker side overshadows all else.
Tate is a very smart man indeed (his father is an African American chess specialist by the way) and as always, we are here to extract the good out of his experiences and see how his moves in the hair department can benefit you. Our aim is to pave the path so that you can form your own educated opinion to solve your hair loss problem forever. To do this, we put celebrity hair transplants under the magnifier and the lucky winner this time is Greta Thunberg hater Andrew Tate.
Andrew Tate’s Hair Loss
Rumor says that Tate’s net worth is close to a billion USD today. As a former kickboxing champ whose main income stream is generated through his Hustler’s University 2.0 (it’s not really a university but a set of online courses on how to make money) and online casinos, he certainly proved that he is more than a physical fighter.
In the past five years, Tate grabbed everyone’s attention posing in private jets, yachts, and exclusive parties with stunning women while educating others on how to achieve his lifestyle. Not hiding his immense appetite for money, he filled a gap for those who want to follow Tim Ferris but aren’t intellectually quite there yet. And just like Tim Ferris, Andrew Tate has an advanced male pattern baldness situation impossible to hide.
The clever man he is, Tate made it clear since the beginning of his self-created image that he shaves his head as part of his signature look. Again, bald only suits The Rock and The Rock alone.
Tate’s genetic disposition may be prone to androgenetic hair loss and so is his brother who got a successful hair transplant done. However, Andrew’s thick hairline started rapidly receding from age thirty onwards.
Did Andrew Tate Get A Hair Transplant?
Let’s silence the manipulation or what Tate wants us to believe for a few minutes and think it through. Who on Earth with the ability to grow their own, healthy hair would shave it completely every single day? Balding is not at all a crime, what we want to highlight here is Tate’s lack of sincerity.
On another note, you don’t have to go visibly bald to undergo a hair transplant. In fact, most hair transplant patients act on time while they still have plenty of healthy donor hair for the procedure.
But you do have to have a hair loss problem to opt for a hair transplant and that’s what in our opinion, Tate is hiding. If one day he admitted that he has male alopecia, it would all make more sense with the shaved head. But before he admitted to anything, an iconic picture taken of Andrew Tate and his brother at the Bucharest prison showed him with grown hair and a long beard.
Why is this photo so important? Well, because we finally see him with naturally grown hair to prove that he does by no means have a full head of hair shaved by choice. The top of his head is occupied by weak baby hairs and that’s it.
Now that it is proven he has a hair problem, let’s get to the hair transplant which under normal circumstances, is the solution.
After analyzing every single possibility very closely, we strongly lean toward the verdict that Andrew Tate did have a hair transplant just like his brother. His hair transplant, this time unlike his brother, did not take though. Follow along as we get into juicier details below.
Andrew Tate Before And After Hair Transplant
At age 33 in 2019 we see Tate with an artificially defined, denser, and spiky hairline when compared to a couple of years earlier. Going back to 2016, at age 30, Tate’s once super dense hairline looks tired. His hair screams that it needs his attention and that otherwise, it’s just going to retire.
It is probably also the case that Tate opted for scalp micropigmentation after the scars in his donor area healed. This helps in keeping it all more natural, especially for those who like (or are forced to) a very short hairstyle like Andrew Tate.
How Many Grafts Would Have Transplanted?
Tate’s main problem areas where he is losing most of his hair are his temples, his hairline, and the top of his head until the crown. That’s quite a large section and a common stage 4 on the Norwood scale of baldness.
For some reason, his temples remain untouched and it seems to have only been his hairline that had the touch of a hair transplant. If this is the case, it should have been around 3000 grafts that were transplanted on top of his head recreating a hairline that looks way too perfect and far from harmonious.
The ideal scenario would have been a hair transplant with at least 4000 grafts to fill in his temples and recreate a more natural hairline while adding to his overall hair density.
How Much Did It Cost?
Many factors are taken into consideration when the total cost of a hair transplant is calculated. The most significant of these factors is without a doubt the arbitrage advantage. We don’t have an exact number but it might have costed between $10.000 – $20.000 as the hair transplant prices in the US is relatively higher than the average.
If Tate traveled to the UK for his hair transplant, he would have spent well over $10,000 for the procedure alone. If he had it done say in the Czech Republic, it’d cost him $6500 to $7000. Had he chosen to fly over to Turkey, the total number would have shrunk down to $3000.
Has Andrew Tate’s Hair Transplant Failed?
Just like his brother Tristan Tate, it is evident that Andrew had a hair transplant; Andrew’s hair transplant looked obvious and yet ordinary in pictures from 2019. In photos from that year, we see Tate only after his scabs healed and his freshly transplanted hairline is still quite short.
Although the hair transplant wasn’t an immediate fail, Tate’s temples kept going deeper and balder which probably made his overall look far from harmounious. That’s why he prefers to shave his head and keeps saying the same old “I have a full head of hair”.
Where Should You Go For The Best Hair Transplant?
There is one famous destination with over 98% success rates where you can find the most experienced hair transplant teams. It is also where a top-quality hair transplant comes at an accessible price point. The destination we’re talking about is of course: Turkey, the best country for hair transplant.
Home to more hair transplant clinics than pizzerias in Rome, not all hair clinics in Istanbul are equal. However, it is uncomplicated to distinguish a solid, reputable clinic by checking their credentials and what patients say about them.
Take Heva Clinic for example, welcoming each patient with the same enthusiasm situated in a beautiful neighborhood of Istanbul. The Clinic is famous with a dream team made of top surgeons, technicians, logistics, and tourism professionals with a focus on using the latest techniques. Team at Heva is also shown among the best when it comes to transplanting afro hair type, which typically has a higher level of difficulty.
Heva Clinic is very transparent, present, and interactive on all social media channels so don’t hesitate to go through the before-after journals of their patients. They’re known to provide the best quality/performance ratio and you can request a free online consultation when you make up your mind to get your hair back.