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Does black men & women hair transplant work?

Black people generally have type 3 or type 4 curly hair which used to make the hair transplant procedure harder, and as afro-textured hair is biologically different, an inexperienced clinic may not provide the best results. However, thanks to the technological developments in the last 10 years, afro-textured people can get successful results with experienced clinics. Heva Clinic specializes in black male and female hair transplant and make its patients dream come true.

How do we achieve the best before after hair transplant results?

Heva Clinic specializes in afro-textured hair type and achieves the best black male and female hair transplant results by using modern and patient-first approach in Turkey. Our procedure always starts once you agree the surgery plan, and we use the most suitable afro-textured hair transplant methods and highest-quality equipment. Our experienced team harvests grafts one by one and implant hair grafts according to the natural angle of the existing hair.

When I will be able to see my results?

It approximately takes 3-4 months for you to see the initial results after the operation. The result will be stabilized after the 8th month until the end of the first year. Feel free to check our Hair Transplant Recovery Timeline page.

How many grafts do I need to achieve the best result?

Norwood hair loss scale is a good international scale to determine number of needed grafts. However, hair type, age, donor capacity and especially expectations may change the number. Reach our medical consultants to find out how many grafts you need, or alternatively you can access our How Many Grafts Do I Need? page to learn more.

How much does black male & female hair transplant cost in Turkey?

Black male and female hair transplant costs are relatively lower in Turkey than the US and Europe thanks to the government support and high-quality service. If you want to get the best result at an affordable price with an experienced clinic, you should consider contacting Heva Clinic first. The cost of black male and female hair transplant in Turkey is between $1,700 – $5,000. Reach us to plan and get a quote for your risk-free operation.