Can you wear a hat after a hair transplant?

Many people choose to wear a hat after a hair transplant for different reasons. Hats can be a great option if you are trying to hide your hair transplant at the initial stages. During the first stages of your recovery period, you will be experiencing scabbing and redness in the donor and recipient area, most people cover this undesired look by wearing hats. Further, hats are an effective way of avoiding sun exposure during the recovery period.

If you are wondering how you can cover the transplanted area with a hat after the operation, keep on reading for our tips.

Hair transplant and sun exposure

UV lights can cause sunburn and damage healing scalp tissue. That’s why surgeons advise hair transplant patients to avoid sun exposure after a hair transplant. Wearing a hat or using sun cream can help you avoid harmful light to harm your scalp. You can consult with your surgeon to get advice on what type of sun cream you can use after your hair transplant.

Does the sun affect hair transplants?

Yes, due to the UV lights that the sum emits, it can have a significant effect on hair transplants. Exposure to direct sunlight can lower the success of your hair transplant.

Why it’s important to prevent sun exposure after a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant operation, your skin is in a greatly sensitive state and the transplanted hair follicles are still delicate. A transplant procedure reduces the skin’s ability to protect itself from sun damage. Sensitive skin at the transplant and donor area can easily get sun damage at a deeper level. Further, transplanted hair follicles can get affected by strong sun exposure. This is why it is important to prevent sun exposure after a hair transplant.

How long after a hair transplant can I wear a hat?

You will need to wait until the transplanted hair follicles are securely settled into place before you can wear a hat. This is important because transplanted hair follicles are extremely delicate right after the hair transplant procedure and any tugging or pressure on the hair follicles can interfere with the recovery process. So, you can wear a hat after 10-14 days of your hair transplant procedure.

Loose-fitting hats that are suitable for hair transplant patients can be worn right after the procedure. Make sure you double-check your hat with your medical consultant before wearing it.

what type of hat can I wear after a hair transplant?

What type of hat is the best after a hair transplant?

Aside from waiting for the transplanted hair follicles to settle in securely, you should also pay attention to the type of hats you wear after your hair transplant operation to avoid any damage to the implanted hair grafts. It is advisable to start with loose-fitting hats that won’t put too much pressure on the scalp.

According to this definition, you can wear a bucket hat or fishing hat right after your surgery to cover the transplanted area.

wearing fishing hat after hair transplant

When can I wear a surgical cap after a hair transplant?

You can wear a loose surgical cap 10-12 days after your hair transplant operation. If the cap does not touch the transplanted area, you can start wearing it even 2-3 days after the procedure.

When can I wear a baseball cap after a hair transplant?

Because a baseball cap is a tight-fitting headwear, you should avoid wearing one for a longer period of time. Baseball caps can tug at the transplanted follicles and interfere with the recovery process. Usually, surgeons advise wearing a baseball cap 4 weeks after your surgery.

Is it okay to wear a shower cap after a hair transplant?

Yes, it is okay to wear a loose shower cap 10-12 days after your hair transplant operation. Be careful not to rub or tug at the transplant area while wearing a shower cap.

When can I wear a durag after a hair transplant?

Just lika a shower cap, you can wear a durag around 10-12 days after your hair transplant, once the transplanted grafts have securely settled and scabs are gone. Since durags are typically tight, wearing them too soon can create pressure on the scalp, potentially dislodging grafts or interfering with healing.

Even after two weeks, ensure that the durag is loosely tied so it avoids friction or compression on the transplant area. You can wear a tighter durag after 4 weeks.

What may happen if I wear a tight hat after a hair transplant?

Wearing a tight hat after a hair transplant can cause tugging and pressure on the transplant area, which may dislodge transplanted grafts. Dislodged grafts may cause a low success rate and an undesired look.

How do you know if you dislodged a transplanted graft?

Unfortunately, transplanted grafts can get dislodged during the recovery period if strong friction, tugging, or pressure happens. You will observe some bleeding from the root of the hair if you’ve dislodged a transplanted graft.

Bleeding on the day of the operation can happen, and it does not mean that your hair grafts are dislodged. You must have hit or rubbed your scalp to dislodge a transplanted hair graft.

Is it good to do a hair transplant in the summer?

Although there is nothing that prevents getting a hair transplant in the summer, the recovery process can require slightly more effort. After a hair transplant in summer, you will need to be extra careful about sun exposure and spend more time inside to avoid direct sunlight.

Further, you are more likely to sweat in the summer which can lead to infections in the donor and transplant area. In that case, try to spend most of your time in a cooler environment and choose the right hat.

Why do some people wear a headband after a hair transplant?

Headbands are sometimes preferred after a hair transplant operation to reduce swelling and bruising as well as protect the scalp from outside elements. Some surgeons advise wearing a headband for a couple of days after your surgery however it’s not a mandatory practice for all patients. Moreover, headbands can also soak up any fluids coming out of the recipient area during the initial recovery period.