afro-textured hair transplant before and after results at heva clinic istanbul turkey

Hair transplant for Afro-type curly hair may seem more challenging than others. People from African American, black, or Afro-Caribbean backgrounds typically have hair with tight curls. Not only is this type of hair curly on the surface, but also underneath the scalp. This is why a hair transplant for Afro-typical hair is often considered challenging. However, our experienced ethnic hair transplant specialists can perform this procedure in Turkey with ease. Also, the cost of such hair transplant operations is much more affordable in comparison to other European countries and the USA.

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We take pride in providing the best Afro-textured hair transplant.

afro hair transplant journey at heva clinic istanbul

Does a hair transplant work for Afro-typical hair?

In the first years of hair transplant technologies, both follicular hair transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) methods were not suitable for Afro hair transplant. The curly structure of Afro typical hair means that the hair root occupies a much wider area underneath the skin. Traditional hair extraction methods usually damage curly hair roots and reduce the viability of hair follicles. Because initial tools and methods designed for hair transplant were not suitable to extract such hair follicles, earlier Afro-typical hair transplant operations were often unsuccessful and caused noticeable scarring.

With today’s technological developments in hair transplant methods, Afro hair transplant has become as easy as for any other hair type. Today, people with curly hair can get an equally successful hair transplant result. Furthermore, the tight and unique curls of this hair type make achieving a dense hair look much easier, and a guaranteed success.

Afro hair transplant before after photos

check out afro hair transplant before after results photos

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Hair transplant for African American men

In addition to general reasons of hair loss for men such as male pattern baldness, which is experienced by men from all ethnicities, male pattern baldness is commonly caused by the sensitivity to a hormone called DHT. This hormone increases with ageing and sensitive people can react to it with shrinking hair follicles.

According to recent studies, traction alopecia is more specific to African American, Afro-Caribbean, or black men. This is because men from these ethnicities tend to wear their hair in tightly braided styles such as cornrows. Such tight hairstyles cause damage to the hair follicles over time. This type of hair loss is commonly irreversible and treatment requires a hair transplant. Afro-hair transplant should be performed carefully by experts to preserve the natural curls of the hair and avoid scarring after the operation. To preserve the curls, the implantation angle is extremely important and our surgeons ensure the utmost surgical procedure to get a natural look.

afro black hair type transplant procedure step by step

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Hair transplant for African American women

African American women are also prone to hair loss due to braids, weaves, buns, rollers, and cornrows. Also, traction alopecia may cause patches of baldness in the hairline, creating an undesired look over time by damaging and weakening the hair follicles. Hair transplant procedures for African American women should be performed by addressing the unique nature of an individual’s curls. The placement angle and direction of the hair follicles are important for achieving a natural look. Furthermore, because curly hair roots take up more space naturally, hair follicles should not be implanted too close to each other. Hairline lowering operation may be an option for women to achieve a desired look.

afro woman hair transplant hairline

Our clinic provides professional African American hair transplant procedure for women in Turkey. Our experienced surgeons have been achieving perfect results for African American women. Click here to read more about female hair transplant.


FUE hair transplant technique for afro hair

FUE hair transplant method is one of the most preferred methods for hair transplant. People suffering from extreme hair loss can regain their healthy hair through this process. FUE hair transplant essentially involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the back of the head with a punch tool or manual punch technique and planting these hair follicles one-by-one to the desired area.

FUE hair transplant is also suitable for black people. A punch tool with a wider applicator is used for the curly hair of African American people. By using a wider punch tool, possible damage to the hair follicle is minimized and coverage is maximized.

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Is FUE hair transplant suitable for black men?

FUE hair transplant is suitable for black men as long as the patient does not have any chronic health issue. As Afro-type hair is unique, only experienced hair transplant clinics can perform successful FUE hair transplant procedure for black men.

Below, you can see the allocation of grafts on the scalp for hair transplat:

Allocation of grafts on the scalp for hair transplant - afro male

DHI hair transplant technique for afro hair

Direct hair implantation (DHI) hair transplant is another popular technique developed for effective hair transplant. DHI method is considered as the improved version of the FUE hair transplant method. Hair follicles are individually extracted with the help of a special tool called the Choi implanter pen. The hair follicles are simultaneously loaded into the pen ready to be implanted to the desired area. DHI hair transplant method provides better hair viability and an easier transplantation procedure. Hair transplantation experts generally do not recommend DHI method for afro-textured hair, but the DHI method can be used for eligible black people in certain circumstances. This technique requires experience and high precision to achieve satisfactory results for black people.

heva clinic afro hair transplant

How much does Afro hair transplant cost in Turkey?

Afro hair transplantation costs are considerably lower in Turkey than European countries and the US because of the supportive government policies.

If you want to have an Afro hair transplant but do not want to spend a load of money, you might want to consider getting your hair transplant with us in Turkey at HEVA Hair.

The cost of Afro hair transplant in Turkey is between $2,000 – $5,000.

Reach us to plan and get a quote for your risk-free operation.

afro type hair black male hair transplant operation

Frequently asked questions


It takes approximately 10 days for hair follicles to adjust and capillary vessels to surround newly transplanted hair follicles. You should take good care of the transplanted area to help with the healing process according to your surgeon’s aftercare instructions. For Afro hair type, the growth of transplanted hair can take up to 3-5 months. The full result becomes visible 10 – 12 months after your procedure.

Deciding on the most suitable hair transplant method for black males can be a challenging subject because the specifics of the surgery can change depending on the hair structure of each individual.

DHI hair transplant offers great results because it allows effective extraction of hair follicles and quick transplantation procedure. Furthermore, the DHI method does not involve any incisions which reduce the risk of scarring at the donor area after the procedure. This means improved hair viability and successful hair transplant results.

On the other hand, the FUE method offers more control over the extraction process. Your surgeon can adjust the incision and extraction angle for each hair follicle and reduce damage to the hair roots. The manual punch method is especially recommended for more challenging hair types.

You might want to consult your surgeon about the better hair transplant method for your hair type to achieve the best results possible.

Because it is a surgical operation, people are usually concerned about how painful the operation would be. In reality, you don’t need to be worried about a painful procedure. Your surgeon will be using local anaesthesia to provide maximum comfort during the surgery. Furthermore, as both FUE and DHI procedure does not involve any cuts or stitches, these procedures offer minimal discomfort and little to no pain during and after the operation. DHI method is especially considered as a painless operation since it does not involve any incision, contrary to the FUE method. Hair transplant surgeons in Turkey can provide quick and painless hair transplant results thanks to their expertise in the area.

With improved techniques such as FUE and DHI, hair transplant procedures have become safer over the years. Today, qualified surgeons specializing in African American, Afro-Caribbean or black hair transplant in Turkey provide safe hair transplant operations. Surgeons experienced in hair transplant operations can shorten the procedure time which consequently reduces the potential risks during the operation.

Because both FUE and DHI technique does not involve any cuts or stitches, these procedures pose low operational and post-surgery risks. After the surgery, you can experience mild sensitivity and redness during the healing process.