If you have decided getting a hair transplant, you might want to know how to maximise the results of your operation. You can find the most important things to do before hair transplant surgery to have a safe and successful journey.
9 things to know before hair transplant

1 - Finasteride before hair transplant
Finasteride (Propecia) is considered the most effective approved hair loss medicine. People suffering from male pattern baldness can take at least 1mg per day to stop hair loss and even make their hair thicker. The drug is meant to be used for as long as the one wants their hair. Using finasteride before hair transplant is completely okay; furthermore, it is recommended to keep using it after your hair transplant to maintain your natural hair and freshly designed appearance.
When can I start taking finasteride?
There’s no time limit for starting to take finasteride before your hair transplant operation. You can even start taking finasteride even if you are not going to have the surgery.

2 - Minoxidil before hair transplant
Minoxidil (Rogaine) is an approved over-the-counter drug to slow down hair loss for more than 35 years. If you’re on topical minoxidil and planning to get a hair transplant, our surgeons will kindly ask you to stop using it 3 weeks prior to the surgery.
When should I stop taking minoxidil?
Just like finasteride, you can start using finasteride or tablet to increase the density of your hair. As it’s mentioned, you should stop using it 21 days before the operation.

3 - Smoking before hair transplant
As all medical professionals say, it’s better not to smoke at all but if you are not able to do this, consider stop smoking 5 days before the operation. Smoking constricts capillary vessel that repairs and feeds transplanted hair follicles which may decrease the success rate and long term benefits of your surgery.
When should I stop smoking?
It’s ideal to stop smoking 2 weeks before the surgery, but if that’s not possible, you can try your best to stop smoking before and after the procedure to reach your best possible hair transplant results.

4 - Alcohol before hair transplant
Alcohol consumption does directly affect the success of your end results but it may increase bleeding during the procedure which makes it hard to extract and implement the grafts.
When should I stop alcohol consumption?
Generally, alcohol is metabolized and eliminated from the system within 24 hours. However this can vary from person to person and the amount of alcohol. If it’s one glass of wine or beer, 24 hours can be considered safe, if it’s binge drinking, then you should not be consuming alcohol 48 -72 hours before your hair transplant surgery.

5 - Supplements before hair transplant
Do not take any medications that contain ibuprofen, aspirin and blood thinner; also, it is not recommended to take herbs, vitamin B & A that increase blood flow as they all cause increase in bleeding.
When should I stop taking supplements?
There is no clear-cut answer for this question as the range of supplement is broad. However, you can consult your general practitioner and inform your medical consultant if you have been using a certain supplement.

6 - Massage before hair transplant
Scalp flexibility and blood circulation are crucial when it comes to a hair health and transplant surgery. Massage sessions may dilate your vessels and improve scalp flexibility. You may massage your scalp for up to 10 minutes at a time, a couple of times a day.
When should I start massaging my scalp?
There’s no time limit for massaging your scalp before hair transplant; you can start once you booked your procedure.

7 - Shaving before the surgery
Do not shave your head before the initial consultation as your hairline will be designed with your current hair by our surgeons. Our clinic will trim your hair just before the operation.
When should I stop shaving my head before the surgery?
Even if you use your hair shaved, you should let your hair grow for at least 7 days before the surgery.

8 - What to wear on the operation day?
It is recommended to wear an open front shirt or a wide neck t-shirt to take off them easily. You can choose your comfortable trousers, socks and shoes for the operation.

9 - What to eat before the operation
You can eat almost anything that you wish but it is recommended to eat less fatty goods and more carbs. Try to avoid drinking coffee and tea as they contain caffeine. Have a look at the best foods for hair loss.
That’s all!
That’s pretty much all for pre-op instructions! You will definitely achieve the best hair transplant results like our patients if you follow the instructions above!
Even though you will take a blood test before the operation, please let our medical consultants know if you have an underlying condition and consult your General Practitioner before making your final decision.